Phone: 239-262-7333 -- HOURS: Tuesday - Friday 10-5 and Saturday 10-4. (gates close approx. 10 mins to the hour.)

3196 Davis Blvd - Naples, FL 34104

Get Creative with IOD Stamp Sets

If you want versatility when creating, the terrific Stamp Sets from IOD may be exactly what you're looking for! Each set comes with several unique stamps that can be used singularly, as a group, or in combination with other sets.

The stamps can be used on walls, furniture, and fabric too. The inks come in a lovely assortment of colors and you can use your favorite Annie Sloan Chalk Paint too. (Just water it down a bit) 

Here are Tips for using Iron Orchid Design stamps sets straight from Sally & Josie:

  1. Before removing the stamps from the backing, rough them up a little with fine sandpaper. It helps the ink or paint adhere.
  2. If the stamp is hard to remove from the backing, don't be afraid to pull hard. They won't tear.
  3. You can use the entire sheet for a design instead of pulling each stamp off.
  4. Wash with mild soap and water before the medium you use dries. 
  5. If you find you need to use a stamp cleaner, use one that's safe for clear stamps. 
  6. After stamps are thoroughly clean and dry, place them back on the clear backing for storage.
  7. Mounting surface and stamps must be completely clean and dry to cling to the backing properly. 
  8. Do not use for High Heat applications
  9. Do not was in Dishwasher or put in microwave or Oven.
  10. Do not Iron. 

Extra info, we've found to be helpful. 

I've found using a Breyer instead of rollers gives me more control over the amount of ink or paint I'm applying. 

Also, keeping your brayer flat and not tilting to one side or the other helps to keep the medium off the edges of the stamp. Keep a rag handy to wipe off any little smudges that do get on. This will keep your design fresh. 

With that said sometimes you want a smudgy vintage look, so let those happy little accidents have their way! 
